Hybrid Vigor #1:
The Confounded Calamondin
SoundBoX — More than just a sample pack!
Essential to ALLONYM’s sound design process are a plethora of different ways of hybridizing sound. Indeed, the number of different methods for hybridizing sound is almost as diverse as the resultant hybrids themselves. The Hybrid Vigor series collects different project specific hybrids and makes them available to other creators so that they may have a life of their own. As in evolution, hybridization brings a renewed vigor!
The Confounded Calamondin SoundBoX collects 4 sounds (plus one bonus sound) from “The Tangible Tangerine” project.
1. Sneer (Guira x Snare)
Includes: raw samples (48k 32 bit), 4 velocity layers, 4 round robbins; Ableton Live Sampler presets; MPC presets; UVI Falcon presets
Tombles (Temple Blocks x Melodic Toms)
Includes: raw samples (48k 32 bit), 4 velocity layers, 4 round robbins; Ableton Live Sampler presets; UVI Falcon presets
Bong (Bass Drum x Gong)
Includes: raw samples (48k 32 bit), 4 velocity layers, 4 round robbins; Ableton Live Sampler presets; MPC presets; UVI Falcon presets
A Bridge of Bells (FM x Physical Modeling Gamelan Inspired Bells)
Includes: raw samples (48k 32 bit), 4 velocity layers, 4 round robbins; Ableton Live Sampler presets; UVI Falcon presets
Bonus: Cimbiant (Cymbal x Piano)
Includes: raw samples (48k 32 bit), 4 velocity layers, 4 round robbins; Ableton Live Sampler presets; UVI Falcon presets
Sneer (Guira x Snare)
Includes: raw samples (48k 32 bit), 4 velocity layers, 4 round robbins; Ableton Live Sampler presets; UVI Falcon presets
Tombles (Temple Blocks x Melodic Toms)
Includes: raw samples (48k 32 bit), 4 velocity layers, 4 round robbins; Ableton Live Sampler presets; UVI Falcon presets
Tombles (Temple Blocks x Melodic Toms)
5. df
Includes: raw samples (48k 32 bit), 4 velocity layers, 4 round robbins; Ableton Live Sampler presets; UVI Falcon presets
Tombles (Temple Blocks x Melodic Toms)
Includes: raw samples (48k 32 bit), 4 velocity layers, 4 round robbins; Ableton Live Sampler presets; UVI Falcon presets